DNA Sequencing & Antibiotic Resistant Chronic Infections
DNA Sequencing: Extropalating Antibiotic Resistant Chronic Infections I have had a bunch of recent questions on social media in regards to DNA Sequencing and the important role I think it can play in diagnosing and treating diseases. I have
HIV & Sleep Deprivation Correlation
The Correlation Between HIV & Insomnia Dr. Wayne AJ Giles, Director of the Division of Population Health for the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, said it the best - stating that sufficient sleep is not
When a MRSA Infection is Not MRSA
Rickettsia Infection vs. MRSA infection: A Misclassification Recently, a patient of mine came to the office for follow-up care after being seen over the prior weekend at an urgent care center for a cellulitis of the right lower extremity.
HIV Care in the 21st Century – Going Beyond HAART
The Link Between HIV Care & Cardiovascular Risks There have been outstanding changes in the care of HIV since it was first described in 1980. Between the years 1980 to 1995, we had very little to offer patients except for
Diet and Health in the 21st Century
Importance of Proper Diet for Your Health The other day I saw a great quote, “Ignore your #health and it will leave.” Mind you, I first read this while lying on my back doing leg lifts at Fitness Firm, the
Mosquitos & Ticks, Summer’s Enemy!
Summer Bugs, Memories You Don't Want to Take Home It's summer time! Time to get that gorgeous tan (with SPF of course), explore the outdoors, and plan those family vacations! When participating in these adventures and outdoor activities, it
Struggles with Chronic Sinus Infections – Patient Testimonial
In the early 70’s, I did a tour of duty during the Vietnam War lasting 14-months. Four months into my tour, I developed significant sinus issues (they said I had a “fungal infection” – didn’t know that was possible) that
Can A Gluten-Free Diet Reduce Sinusitis?
A Look at a Gluten-Free Diet for Sinusitis Suffers Can chronic sinusitis improve on a Gluten-free diet? First of all, for many people, gluten not only causes gastrointestinal distress, but it has been shown to cause an increase in