Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy in Roswell, GA

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy in Roswell, GA

An Overlooked and Underrated Part of Women’s Health

I write this today as a woman enjoying renewed health and a lifelong appreciation for the importance of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy. It is, without question, the one element of care that has made the biggest improvement in my health.

The first I heard about Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy (PFPT) was in a podcast segment I was listening to. I dismissed its relevance since the primary subject of the podcast was Pelvic Organ Prolapse, and that was not a condition from which I suffer.

Then, after seeking treatment for a myriad of non-descript, yet persistent, gynecological and urinary symptoms, my Nurse Practitioner mentioned the benefits of PFPT. Many of my symptoms aligned with classic Peri-Menopausal issues, and she felt PFPT along with some topical Estrogen would be a great help. Unfortunately, the nearest PFPT option in remote Montana was over 4 hours away.

My urinary symptoms grew more intense. After multiple urine cultures came back negative, I was sure that, on top of it all, I was fighting an Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) that was evading standard testing protocol. After countless trips to the ER, revisiting my GP, and much desperate internet research, I stumbled upon MicroGen DX testing and connected with Dr. Andrew Pugliese. Dr. Pugliese finally helped me put all the pieces together, educating me on Chronic Embedded Urinary Tract Infections (CUTI). He quickly set up a comprehensive treatment plan that reinforced the need for topical estrogen and included a strong recommendation for, you guessed it, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy!

Fortunately, I was soon headed to Michigan for an extended visit with family and discovered that Michigan Pelvic Rehab & Wellness was located very near where I was staying. I immediately set up an initial consultation.

From that first visit, everything began to change for the better! My therapist, Dr. Lia Palomino, explained to me that my body had formed adhesions from an abdominal surgery 20 years ago, which had been causing havoc on my health for decades. My Pelvic Floor had lost its ability to relax and thus continued a cycle of decline leading to further compromise. Dr. Lia assigned a series of exercises and stretches to do in-between visits. She also administered abdominal massage, dry needling, and cupping to encourage the breaking up of adhesions, the relaxing of the muscle, and the stimulation of healing. The transformation was tremendous!

Each week, I would head to my appointment for these procedures, and then, in between, I would concentrate on my assigned stretches coupled with the proper breathing techniques Dr. Lia showed me. Many of my symptoms began to subside, and I believe that this played a significant role in ridding myself of that nasty UTI that had nestled deep into the lining of my bladder.

Months later, I continue to enjoy the absence of aches and pains and annoying symptoms that I hadn’t even realized I had until they disappeared. Anytime I notice even the smallest of discomforts, I return to my exercises, and healing soon follows. I think about how many women in my life suffer needlessly with abdominal pain, gynecological complaints, and annoying little symptoms that we are told are to be an expected part of womanhood and its many stages of change. How disappointing that pain has become the accepted norm. Even more disappointing is that Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy holds the key to providing so much relief, comfort, and healing for women. How is it that this continues to be often overlooked and seldom mentioned in mainstream medicine? How sad.

I am ever thankful to Dr. Andrew Pugliese. Not only for his treatment protocol to fight my CUTI, but for recognizing that a drop in Estrogen, due to my being in Perimenopause, years of improper diet, and possible Pelvic Floor Dysfunction were likely contributing factors. His willingness to encourage me to expand my care to include topical estrogen and PFPT was critical. I am convinced that limiting myself to standard care would have hindered or at least delayed my healing.

If you find yourself chasing the phantom of nondescript urogynecological symptoms, seek out Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy. Lean into the comfort and support of this important sphere of Women’s Health. Find joy in someone listening to and understanding your suffering. Embrace life in the absence of pain!

By | 2025-03-05T09:41:31-05:00 March 5th, 2025|Diet & Exercise|

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